President Lula has approved a new measure aimed at financially relieving millions of Brazilians: the full withdrawal of the FGTS (Guarantee Fund for Length of Service) for individuals with CPF numbers ending in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Despite the novelty, the possibility will be available to a specific group of workers who meet the pre-established conditions set by the government.
Full FGTS withdrawal approved by Lula for CPFs ending in 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. (Image: Jeane de Oliveira/ FDR)The FGTS is a mandatory fund where employers deposit 8% of their employees’ salary monthly.
Normally, access to this fund is only allowed in specific situations such as unjustified dismissal, retirement, anniversary withdrawal, or calamity withdrawal.Expert Laura Alvarenga, a collaborator of FDR, comments further on the FGTS, check it out.
New FGTS rulesThe government’s new rules will give Brazilian workers more possibilities to access the FGTS, allowing for the full withdrawal of accumulated amounts. As a result, approximately 7.2 million Brazilians may benefit from this measure.
The proposal includes a review of the anniversary withdrawal modality, providing greater flexibility to workers, as well as the possibility of consigned loans with reduced interest rates, using the FGTS balance as a guarantee.
Criteria for making a full FGTS withdrawalThis initiative aims to provide greater financial security to Brazilian workers with formal employment, in addition to expanding their options regarding FGTS resources, which are deducted from their salaries every month.
Therefore, check below the conditions for full FGTS withdrawal include:Unjustified dismissal;Retirement;Company closure;Purchase of own home;Serious illnesses such as cancer or HIV;Natural disasters in areas declared in a state of public calamity.
No deposits in the FGTS for three consecutive years;Age equal to or greater than 70 years.Join the FDR community and receive free information on your Whatsapp!