With the turn of the calendar to 2024, one of the most important topics for Brazilians is the receipt of PIS/PASEP. This financial benefit, aimed at employees of private companies and public servants, continues to be a crucial part of the financial well-being of many workers.

Who is entitled to the PIS/PASEP allowance in 2024?
The right to PIS/PASEP in 2024 depends on specific criteria. Private sector workers and public servants who worked for at least 30 days in the base year of 2022, with a salary of up to two minimum wages, and have been enrolled in the program for five years or more, are eligible to receive the allowance.
PIS 2024 Calendar values: when to receive?
- January birthdays – February 15
- February birthdays – March 15
- March birthdays – April 15
- April birthdays – April 15
- May birthdays – May 15
- June birthdays – May 15
- July birthdays – June 17
- August birthdays – June 17
- September birthdays – July 15
- October birthdays – July 15
- November birthdays – August 15
- December birthdays – August 15
- Final registration 0 – February 15
- Final registration 1 – March 15
- Finals of registration 2 and 3 – April 15
- Finals of registration 4 and 5 – May 15
- Finals of registration 6 and 7 – June 17
- Final registration 8 – July 15
- Final registration 9 – August 15
PIS/Pasep Welfare Calendar
How to consult PIS through the work card and through Caixa?
Digital Work Card:
Download the “Digital Work Card” application in the Play Store (Android) or in the App Store (iOS). Register using your Gov.br account login, entering CPF and password. On the home screen, click on the area of work contracts and select the “+” icon next to any of your registered contracts.
Caixa Trabalhador App:
Download the “Caixa Trabalhador” application on the Play Store (Android) or on the App Store (iOS). Log in with your CPF by selecting the “access” option. Choose the “My NIS” option to consult your PIS/Pasep number.
This application allows you to get more information about PIS, including the allowance and unemployment insurance. You can check the payment schedule, consult the released installments, and clarify doubts through it.
Consulting PIS by CPF telephone: how to proceed?
To consult PIS by CPF through the CNIS website:
To consult PIS by CPF through the INSS phone:
Call the number 135, the INSS Service Center. The service is available from 7 am to 10 pm, from Monday to Saturday, in Brasília time. Calls to the INSS center are free and can be made from landlines or cell phones.
If the company does not deposit the FGTS, am I entitled to PIS?
If an employer does not make the monthly FGTS deposit on the date established by law and also does not provide the necessary information to the competent authorities, they are subject to penalties provided for in the FGTS system legislation. In addition, they will be prevented from obtaining the Negative Debt Certificate (CND) or the Regularity Certification with the FGTS.
In the case of the worker’s right to withdraw, according to the conditions established by the FGTS system, if the employer did not make the monthly deposits, they will be required to pay, all at once, the total amount of overdue installments (monetarily corrected), so that the employee can have their right guaranteed.
PIS Table: What is the allowance amount?
Here is the PIS table of values for the year 2022, based on the length of employment:
- R$ 118.00 – 1 month worked
- R$ 235.00 – 2 months worked
- R$ 353.00 – 3 months worked
- R$ 471.00 – 4 months worked
- R$ 588.00 – 5 months worked
- R$ 706.00 – 6 months worked
- R$ 824.00 – 7 months worked
- R$ 941.00 – 8 months worked
- R$ 1,059.00 – 9 months worked
- R$ 1,177.00 – 10 months worked
- R$ 1,294.00 – 11 months worked
- R$ 1,412.00 – 12 months worked
The PIS payment will be made in six installments between February and August, based on the worker’s birth month.
What is the Importance of the allowance for Workers?
In addition to being a source of extra income that helps with the annual budget, PIS/PASEP also reflects the recognition of Brazilian workers’ efforts, acting as a return of what was contributed throughout the fiscal year. Fully taking advantage of this benefit involves being aware of your rights and important dates to avoid missing the deadlines set by the official calendar.
Therefore, if you are a private sector worker or a public servant and meet the eligibility criteria, stay tuned to the PIS/PASEP calendar for the year 2024 and ensure this important addition to your income.