The Brazilian Federal Revenue will pay the 2nd batch of Income Tax refunds for 2024 this Friday (28/6). Altogether, more than 5.7 million taxpayers will be benefited, with a total amount of R$ 8.5 billion.
The refunds will be deposited in the bank account provided in the Income Tax Return, directly or through a pix key. If, for any reason, the deposit is not made (for example, if the provided account has been closed), the funds will be available for withdrawal for up to one year at Banco do Brasil.
Who will receive the 2nd batch?- 140,360 elderly taxpayers over 80 years old;- 1,024,071 taxpayers between 60 and 79 years old;- 66,287 taxpayers with physical or mental disabilities or serious illnesses.
459,444 taxpayers whose main source of income is teaching;- 3,812,767 taxpayers without legal priority, but who were prioritized for using the Pre-filled Income Tax Return or choosing to receive the refund via pix.
252,738 taxpayers prioritized due to the state of calamity declared in Rio Grande do Sul.Income Tax 2024 Schedule1st batch payment: May 31st2nd batch payment: June 28th3rd batch payment: July 31st4th batch payment.
August 30th5th batch payment: September 30thTo check the refund status, the taxpayer must access the Brazilian Federal Revenue website and click on the “My Income Tax” option. Then, simply click on “Check Refund”.