The Plenary may vote on Tuesday (18) the bill (PL) 2.308/2023, which establishes the regulatory framework for the production of low carbon emission hydrogen and provides fiscal and financial incentives for the sector.
The deliberative session is scheduled to begin at 2 p.m. and has four other items on the agenda.PL 2.308/2023, from the Chamber of Deputies, was approved last week by the Special Green Hydrogen Committee.
According to the report by Senator Otto Alencar (PSD-BA), it is up to the National Oil Agency (ANP) to authorize the production, import, transport, export, and storage of hydrogen. Production is restricted to Brazilian companies headquartered in the country.
The bill creates the National Policy for Low Carbon Emission Hydrogen, composed of five programs. One of them is the Special Incentive Regime for Low Carbon Emission Hydrogen Production (Rehidro).
The text provides for a five-year suspension of the PIS/Pasep and Cofins taxes on the purchase of raw materials, intermediate products, packaging, stocks, and construction materials made by qualified low carbon emission hydrogen producers.
Resilient citiesAnother item on the agenda is PL 380/2023, which encourages cities to adapt to climate change. The text from the Chamber of Deputies was approved last week by the Environment Committee (CMA), with a favorable report from Senator Fabiano Contarato (PT-ES).
The project ensures priority adaptation to areas in vulnerable situations and determines that climate risk studies be conducted.
The goal is to prevent disasters caused by floods and landslides on inhabited regions, water shortages, and infrastructure destruction.Check out the ten essential steps to develop cities resilient to extreme weather events.
They were defined by the United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction.Private insurance.
The Senate may also vote on the Chamber bill (PLC) 29/2017, which consolidates and updates rules for the private insurance market in the country.
Known as the Insurance Framework, the text improves insurance contract rules to provide more legal security to transactions.Before going to the Plenary, the matter must be voted on in the Economic Affairs Committee (CAE). The committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday morning.
The rapporteur, Senator Otto, presented a favorable vote on the project.Vehicle ageSenators can also vote on PL 2,000/2022, which establishes the maximum age of vehicles for driver training.
The text received a favorable report from Senator Teresa Leitão (PT-PE) in the Committee on Constitution and Justice (CCJ).
The criteria are as follows:8 years for vehicles in category A (motorcycles, mopeds, tricycles, and motorized bicycles);12 years for vehicles in category B (automobiles with up to 8 seats); and 20 years for vehicles in categories C, D, and E (cargo and passenger transport vehicles).
Hematologist DayThe last item on the agenda is PL 3,466/2023, which creates the National Day of the Hematologist and the Hemotherapist.
The date should be celebrated annually on October 29th. The text from the Chamber of Deputies received a favorable report from Senator Zenaide Maia (PSD-RN) in the Committee on Social Affairs (CAS).